
Simoontanea is a global call to ride under the last full moon of summer, in a simultaneous meet-up in different parts of the geography. Join one of the existing rides or launch one in your area.

Last August 1st I organised an unplanned group ride around Teruel under the full moon as a way of building community in my area, enjoying an easy, unhurried ride, and having dinner together halfway along the route. A great number of messages and comments reflected the desire for this kind of philosophies, more relaxed, more inclusive, and less data driven. Some of these messages even came from people who had never ridden at night or who didn’t dare to do it alone, so this kind of ride is the perfect opportunity to do it.

It was already at that time that the idea of organising something simultaneously in different places for the next full moon, on the 31st of August, came up. The perfect excuse for more people to enjoy the atmosphere of these rides and, why not, to give visibility to other groups, routes, projects or collectives.

As soon as I proposed the idea to some «restless minds» like mine, they all joined the plan without hesitation, so we will have simultaneous meetings at least in the areas of Montsec Bikepacking,, Ibérica Norte, Cabañas y Estacas, Al-Ballut, Bikepacking Gathering Castellón, or Bike Travel Shelter.

If you would also like to launch a group ride in your area, fill in the form below and your meeting will appear on the map of rides:


For more information about each of the rides, click on them on the map.


Do you need help or a little push to launch a group ride in your area? Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Choose a simple route, not too technical. That’s not the point. Since most of us have to go to work the next day (with a big smile, by the way), distances between 25 and 30 km are usually enough.
  • Find a special place around the middle of the route for dinner together. 
  • Encourage a touch of creativity at dinner: What will you surprise the others with?
  • Better if nobody uses camping gas or similar for cooking. In most places we are still at high risk of fires.
  • Front and rear lights are essential. It is also advisable to carry a front light, in case you need a spare one, and some reflective clothing, just in case.
  • An extra activity is always welcome, such as a moonlight swim, a talk, a product tasting, or giving free rein to that friend who tells such good jokes…
  • Find a few friends and/or suggest it in your area, your social, your website, etc.
  • What if it rains? We can always be creative and plan a walk, have dinner together under cover to make plans for the future, etc.

You can freely download and use any of the logos and images that you can find in the following link, to embed them in your photos, posts, publications, etc.


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